Product Design Leader

Forum: Emerging & Future Technologies for Social Impact

Forum: Emerging & Future Technologies
for Social Impact

Thurs. Feb. 22, 7-9pm

WeWork 1900 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 (Google map)
Beer & Pizza will be served. RSVP below. Free!


Attendee takeaways:

  • new & deeper perspectives from various sectors (hoping for: gov't, transportation, education, health and tech)
  • learn about emerging various industries and consider how that can inform your work
  • meet new folks who may share similar values
  • hobnob and have a great evening!

Reach out if you have questions or would like to present.

Philadelphia is packed with brilliant, compassionate folks who
have something helpful to share that you've learned or you can see coming that will impact society?

My goal for this event is to bring a few of them in a room and see what we can learn. Discussion oriented.


RSVP. Event is Free. Limited Seating.

We will be live-streaming. URL will be posted shortly before event.

Speakers & Topics:

Laur Hesse Fisher

Project Manager, MIT Climate CoLab; 
Founder & Exec Director, Civic Series

Twitter: @lehhf

Topic: What if we could use the human connective power of the internet to solve some of the most pressing challenges our world faces? (I mean, cat videos are great, but c’mon.)

MIT’s Climate CoLab ( is exploring what happens when 100,000+ experts, practitioners, and citizens work together on solutions to climate change.


Christian Talbot

Founder & Principal of Basecamp School

Twitter: @cmtbasecamp

Topic: How might emerging technologies help us to reframe learning for social impact? Let's think about the shift to design-based learning that is people-centered and powered by exponential tech.


Edward Bukstel

CEO of Clinical Blockchain |

Twitter: @ebukstel

Topic: After briefly understanding how BlockChain works, we’ll learn how it could benefit society and how you can embrace this technology.


Tim Moyer (event host)

AR VR Consultant, Sr. Experience Designer |

Twitter: @theTimoyer

Topic: The promise and perils immersive innovation. We’ll unpack the benefits and concerns swirling around recent advances of AR, VR, MR technology. We’ll not only look at the What we can do, we’ll also examine the Why and at What Cost?